Factor 1
In Walt Disney's animated short film co-produced with Salvador Dali, the romantic unison of a beautiful woman and a man, both who are seemingly close yet always unreachable to eachother, is the main source of doubt. Its suspense flows along an expansive desert where shapes,objects and monuments are not in reality stable shapes,objects, and monuments. Things are contantly morphing into something else as little specks of sand, those running away with time, fly around. The woman is at many times able to touch the man, but in a matter of less than two seconds he melts, or is taken away. The constant changing of the physcial represents how nothing is what it seems to the beholder, and essentially how such things like time and distance are obtacles too great for human beings to overcome. The closest thing to doing so is accept them, however this follows the quieting of passion. The perseverant drive for the separated couple's unison is what fills the tension. Also portrayed is the unfavoring role impossibility has on unchanging, almost permanent feelings of love that do not give up on their quest for fulfillment.
Factor 2
Factor 3
The tension builds as the protagonists trys to come to contact with her beloved fail,leading to the viewer to think the two will be forever apart. The real protagonist can be argued to be Time, since this is what holds the flow of all the elements of the film in order to incite tension in the story line. The soothing comics relief appears with some of the figure's goofy creatures. Although it has to be noted that the tension is not still and suspenful, it is very flowing and smooth. The resolution of the film comes with wha seems to be the dissaperance of the woman since at morphing into a fabric, her self as a woman vanishes. It can be concluded that her death means her unison with Time,by becoming part of it.
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